Un A Li’yi Lodge 236 1950s Neckerchief Slide

236 neckerThe first national event item issued by Unali’yi Lodge was not a patch, but a mini neckerchief used as a neckerchief slide by brothers attending the 1953 National Jamboree. This small neckerchief actually predates our first flap (1954) and first one per life silkscreen neckerchief issued by the lodge (1958).

Submitted by Lodge Editor Gary Towles

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This little slide is a bugger for collectors. I was chasing down Unali’yi stuff for years before I ever got mine. I want to say I had to give maybe $150 many years ago for that piece. You don’t see many of these around and I guess since its 60 years old now I understand why.

Admin - October 9, 2013