Occoneechee Council, Raleigh, NC
Occoneechee Lodge 104 Patch Set for 2020 The Occoneechee Lodge’s themed event set + 1 for 2020…”Salute to the Military.” The Air Force Thunderbirds is an “R” issue but it completes the set and what would the set be without the AF Thunderbirds for a Lodge that utilizes the Thunderbird as our totem. Since the …Read More
On May 15-17 Occoneechee Lodge held their Spring Inductions at Camp Durant. A new metal flap (M3) sporting the centennial logo was issued that weekend. It sold out early on Friday evening leaving many disappointed folks without one. The original order was for 250 pieces…the same amount for previous metal flaps. Due to the quick …Read More
Occoneechee Lodge is going to the SR-7B Conclave with a “Tourist” theme this year. The trading flap for the weekend is a flap designed as a traveler’s suitcase full of stickers from all the places they’ve traveled to over the years. These flaps sold out in less than 2 hours when first issued at Pow-Wow …Read More
Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 and Occoneechee Lodge 104 teamed up to make a red commemorative sash for the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. They went through all the proper channels to have them approved back in August of 2014 and kept it to themselves so that other Lodge’s wouldn’t take their idea …Read More
For all interested, “A Patch Collector’s Guide To Occoneechee Lodge 104” has been recently updated to include all of Occoneechee Lodge’s newest issues including the latest Chapter issues. Plans from this point forward are to only update the required pages with new issues and not the entire Patch Guide. You can obtain the most current …Read More
The Occoneechee Lodge’s Executive Committee created a new event last year at LLD. The new event is called Fall Gathering & Banquet and was held at Camp Durant on October 17-19. Since ordeals are now conducted during Pow-Wow, Fall Gathering and Banquet was created to replace the once ordeal free Pow-Wow event with some fun …Read More
If you missed the Occoneechee Lodge’s Trade-O-Ree you missed out on a lot of fun, new acquisitions and a discussion about a newly found issue to some folks. The discussion was all centered around Occoneechee Lodge’s S18 now to be listed with an “a” and “b” variety for those of us that collect backs. The …Read More
Seeing the Occoneechee Lodge S9 recently sold on eBay reminded me of a story told to me by Johnny Pleasants some years back now. The Occoneechee Lodge S9 flap was the first over-seas embroidery flap of the Lodge. Apparently, there was confusion when the measurements were converted from inches to millimeters thus the smaller size …Read More
Occoneechee Lodge 104 runs a very efficient Trading Post that brings in north of $15,000 in gross sales at a typical event at Camp Durant. In this video the youth chairman Jackson Seagroves who heads up the trading post committee shares the tips and tactics they use for pulling it off. Their successful lodge trading …Read More
Many camps have patch frames displayed in buildings at camp and for many boys they have fond memories of staring up at those for years and years. It just so happens that Camp Durant of the Occoneechee Council has some rather famous frames that are currently missing. This discussion captured on Facebook shares images of …Read More