Atta Kulla Kulla LLDC Whippoorwills
Each January, the lodge holds a Lodge Leadership Development Conference on the same day as the Winter Banquet. This day long training is run by the lodge officers and includes various training session as well as games and activities.
The patch for this event is a cut edge Whippoorwill with the year on it. These patches started in 2006, and the color of the year is changed every five years. From 2006-2010 the color was black, from 2011-2015 the color was white, and from 2016-2020 the color was blue. A new color will start in 2021. There is also a round patch that the lodge sells that is meant as a center patch for the Whippoorwills to go around.

Example of 2016 dated patch
The only way to earn a LLDC yearly patch is to attend the LLDC. Each lodge member that attends the LLDC receives one, and only one, patch. There is no buying extra. Since the LLDC usually has a smaller attendance than other lodge events, and each attendee only receives one patch, these patches can be very hard to acquire if you miss the LLDC.

Standard patch that the lodge sells