Eswau Huppeday Lodge, bearing the national registration number 560, was one of the last Lodges to be chartered, although the Piedmont Council had been in existence since the early days of Scouting. Because the council leadership at that time was not well disposed towards the OA it was 1964 before the lodge was chartered and organized. On August 15, 1964, the first business meeting of the Piedmont Council Order of the Arrow Lodge was called to order by Mr. A.C. Bowman. During this meeting, training was conducted, officers were elected, committees were appointed, and the Lodge name and totem were chosen.
The explanation of the lodge name is that two Native American tribes, the Catawba and Cherokee in today what is central and western North Carolina fought many battles in the area that lay between the Catawba and Broad Rivers. This portion of land encompasses most of the present-day Piedmont Council. It was referred to by the tribes as the Eswau Huppeday–the land between the rivers.
I have an updated list of memorabilia that will be issued for our 50th anniversary. We will issue a set of 3 woven flaps, they will be our first woven issues. W1 will be the S1; W2 will be the pink issue; W3 will be S24, the idea is to depict a special flap that …Read More
Another new design for this year’s anniversary for the Eswau Huppeday Lodge is the 50th anniversary full color flap, it depicts two Indians sitting together, appear to be talking peace between the two tribes of Catawba and Cherokee. It has a gold mylar border with 50th anniversary in red. Submitted by Lodge Editor David Barger …Read More
This year has been special for Eswau Huppeday Lodge, we have had a year full of fun events and memorabilia that we have enjoyed in celebration of our 50th anniversary. Two more pieces of memorabilia that were issued includes a fully embroidered backpatch along with a beautiful embroidered neckerchief. Both pieces were pre-ordered and very …Read More
The Eswau Huppeday lodge held it’s annual winter banquet on Saturday January 4, 2014. The evenings festivities included past lodge speaker about some of the changes in our lodge over the past 50 years, lodge trivia game, chapter awards, awards and recognitions and a dinner including barbecue (North Carolina) style and a look to this …Read More
This is a very exciting year for the Eswau Huppeday Lodge, this year we turn 50 years old (youngins in the section). This year we have put together an interesting group of event patches that snap together when put together. Starting with the first piece(spring fellowship-musket), the fall fellowship oval, and the winter banquet tomahawk, …Read More
Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 Tsungani Chapter Flap Copied from oaimages blog: David Cody reminds us of a piece that has escaped Blue Book listing for a couple of decades. This piece was issued by Tsungani chapter and is very rarely seen. Few were made. I have to wonder if any made it outside of the …Read More
Eswau Huppeday Unofficial Dixie Fellowship Neckerchiefs Finally the truth has been told on blog by no other than Jimmy Arthurs. Six neckerchiefs all fake in my opinion due to them being private issued. ZN2? R M/C BLK patterned “Batman” cloth; issued for 2007 Dixie Fellowship ZN3? R M/C BLU patterned “Batman” cloth; issued for …Read More
The Eswau Huppeday A1 idea was developed by membership development committee chairman Daniel Thompson and his advisor Kevin Gantt. I have the requirements and will forward them to you as soon as I find them. I had the felts printed locally. We made 150. They were given out at the 2004 winter banquet and because …Read More