116 Santee

Santee Lodge 116 was chartered in 1938 to the Pee Dee Area Council headquartered in Florence, South Carolina.  It serves eleven counties in the northeastern corner of the state stretching from rural farmland to the popular beaches along the grand strand.  The heart of Santee Lodge is the council's summer camp property Camp Coker just outside of Society Hill, SC in Chesterfield County.  The camp was founded in 1928 and during the life of the lodge much of its service has been centered around promoting, maintaining, and improving this jewel of the sandhills.  The totem of the lodge is the Carolina Parakeet which is an extinct bird that was the only native species of parakeets in North America.  Since 1955 the lodge has featured the bird on all of its memorabilia and lodge members proudly celebrate that heritage.  Over its many years of service Santee Lodge has won many awards including the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award and numerous Dixie Fellowship recognitions.  Although a small lodge compared to many of its neighbors Santee has stood out for the quality of its people and their passion for Scouting.  In fact Rusty Riddle in his book on the history of the Dixie name Santee 116 as the #1 lodge in the section over the first fifty years of the conclave.


75th Anniversary Set for Santee Lodge 116

To celebrate the lodge’s 75th anniversary Santee 116 issued a unique activity patch set that is tied together with a star shaped jacket patch.  This center patch featured the diamond anniversary logo and the names of the 5 OA chapters in the lodge.  The initials CC represent the home camp – Camp Coker.  The events …Read More

Santee Gets In The Centennial Spirit

Santee Lodge has approved a couple OA Centennial issues which will be available in 2015. All of these designs were drawn by Vigil Honor brother Todd Knaperek of Tsali Lodge. As noted in an earlier post the lodge is doing a 5-patch set for the lodge events in 2015. At the 2014 Fall Fellowship this …Read More

Santee Continues Dixie 2014 Design In Activity Patches

Several lodges including recently Un A Li’yi, Muscogee 221 and Atta Kulla Kulla 185 have decided to use the design of their Dixie patch as a template for their event patches during that year.  For collectors that has added some extra spice since not everyone collects lodge issues but there is something special about a …Read More

Muscogee Lodge 116 First Patch Designs

At the end of 2022 Muscogee Lodge 221 and Santee Lodge 116 merged as the councils had already tied the knot in August of that year. At a joint Winter Banquet held on January 7, 2023 in Sumter, SC the youth of the new lodge voted on bi-laws and elected officers for the coming year. …Read More

2016 Activity Set For Santee 116 Is Approved

For the 4th year in a row Santee Lodge 116 will have an activity patch set for the upcoming 2016 year.  Paxton Roberts had his design approved at the recent fellowship with the first patch coming out in January for Winter Banquet. The set features some familiar parakeets and pulls on a lot of Santee …Read More

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Memorabilia History

Cloth Talk 2.0 Episode #11: OA Mugs Unboxing

You will see the smile on my face when one of my biggest regrets is erased with the Boy Scout collection that I unbox in this video. During a move I broke one of my most treasured OA mugs. Then through a stroke of luck the replacement mug literally landed in my lap. This video …Read More

Santee 116 Dixie Fellowship Host Flap Broke the Mold

If you go back and take a look at lodge host items issued for either the Cardinal Conclave or Dixie Fellowship I think 1983 marks the beginning of a new era.  Up until that point I’m not aware of any patches being issued by host lodges unless you want to count some of the early …Read More

My Favorite Collection – Lodge T-shirts!

I really can’t tell you where I got hooked on lodge T-shirts.  My brother will tell you that when he shipped out for the army after graduating high school that I raided his drawers looking for cool clothes.  Among the shirts in there was the 1983 Dixie staff t-shirt from Santee 116.  It is not …Read More

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