Occoneechee Lodge 104 First Issue Is This Tiny Rocker

X-1 copyThis small rocker patch is really Occoneechee Lodge's first issue, even before the R-1 WAB (1952) patch which is usually recognized by most collector's as the Lodge's first patch. This very small patch is roughly only a 1/2" square that fits around the blue and gold Occoneechee Council '48-'50 council patch. As many of you realize, when these small patches got placed in boxes, drawers and elsewhere they are potentially lost forever by being thrown out with the trash. It is a VERY tough piece to acquire and if you are able to locate one from another collector be prepared to pay $1,500.00 or more for one of these rockers. Some Occoneechee collectors have lucked out and found this little gem at yard sales for yard sale prices! I personally have only seen 2 of these and they were in collections....A tough, tough issue to acquire.

Contributed by Lodge Editor Greg Grimes
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