Doc Southard Shares His Un A Li’yi Knowledge
Jim Southard is a collecting legend in the Carolinas having caught the bug way back in the 1950s. He is very passionate about his home council and lodge. During a Digital Cracker Barrel organized by John Pleasants with help from Larry Lane, Doc Southard shared what he knows about the Native America issues from Un A Li'yi Lodge 236. His talk went all the way back to the 1960s and J. Rucker Newbery making patches for and Indian Pageant and the Dance Team. He shared the story of a Lodge Chief that just decided to have some private issue patches made up for the Dance Team. We also learned about the Dance Team jacket from his lodge and the patches issued to celebrate them winning it all at the 2000 NOAC for the Sing Team.
Special thanks to Larry Lane for recording this Zoom and helping to archive the story of these great CarolinaOA issues. You can subscribe to Larry's YouTube channel to see other episodes from the Digital Cracker Barrel.