560 Eswau Huppeday

Piedmont Area Council, Gastonia, NC

OA 560 Tsungani Chapter Flap

OA 560 Tsungani Chapter Flap Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 Tsungani Chapter Flap Copied from oaimages blog: David Cody reminds us of a piece that has escaped Blue Book listing for a couple of decades. This piece was issued by Tsungani chapter and is very rarely seen. Few were made. I have to wonder if any made it outside of the …Read More

Eswau’s Unofficial Dixie Neckerchiefs

Eswau’s Unofficial Dixie Neckerchiefs Eswau Huppeday Unofficial Dixie Fellowship Neckerchiefs Finally the truth has been told on oaimages.com blog by no other than Jimmy Arthurs. Six neckerchiefs all fake in my opinion due to them being private issued. ZN2? R M/C BLK patterned “Batman” cloth; issued for 2007 Dixie Fellowship ZN3? R M/C BLU patterned “Batman” cloth; issued for …Read More

Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 – True S1 Black vs Tan Teepee

Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 – True S1 Black vs Tan Teepee David Cody shared some of the history of Eswau Huppeday lodge patches with Larry Lane in this recorded Zoom call. You can find Larry’s YouTube Channel and subscribe to see his other hobby related videos. Submitted by Webmaster Jason Spangler with thanks to Larry Lane and David Cody for making this video

Eswau Huppeday Issues A Time Traveling Flap

Eswau Huppeday Issues A Time Traveling Flap Below is the Eswau Huppeday Dixie delegate flap. It is a much toned down from original design that had a much more future look to our totem, a much further into the future look! Our lodge theme for the year is time travel, and this totem gets us a little more into the future. The …Read More

Eswau Huppeday Wraps Up Its Big Golden Birthday

Eswau Huppeday Wraps Up Its Big Golden Birthday This year has been special for Eswau Huppeday Lodge, we have had a year full of fun events and memorabilia that we have enjoyed in celebration of our 50th anniversary. Two more pieces of memorabilia that were issued includes a fully embroidered backpatch along with a beautiful embroidered neckerchief. Both pieces were pre-ordered and very …Read More

104 / 560 Red Centennial Sash

104 / 560 Red Centennial Sash Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 and Occoneechee Lodge 104 teamed up to make a red commemorative sash for the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. They went through all the proper channels to have them approved back in August of 2014 and kept it to themselves so that other Lodge’s wouldn’t take their idea …Read More

Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 Continues to Celebrate 50 Years of Cheerful Service

Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 Continues to Celebrate 50 Years of Cheerful Service Eswau Huppeday Lodge held its annual Fall Fellowship on August 12-14 2014. This fellowship was special in that it saw several things going on. Saturday was a fun-filled event having a water slide, a chapter chariot race, and silent patch auction. Mid-afternoon a past-present lodge chief forum was held where several past lodge chiefs were …Read More

Eswau Huppeday 560 Anniversary Flap

Another new design for this year’s anniversary for the Eswau Huppeday Lodge is the 50th anniversary full color flap, it depicts two Indians sitting together, appear to be talking peace between the two tribes of Catawba and Cherokee. It has a gold mylar border with 50th anniversary in red. Submitted by Lodge Editor David Barger …Read More

Eswau Huppeday Ghost Flap A First

Eswau Huppeday Ghost Flap A First 2014 is a very special year for the Eswau Huppeday Lodge, it marks the 50th anniversary for the lodge. Going along with the theme for this year, we have issued a “first” in our lodge history with the issuance of our ghost flap, it contains several different colors of yellow and gold to make the …Read More

Eswau Celebrates 50th Anniversary at Dixie

Eswau Celebrates 50th Anniversary at Dixie To continue with the theme for our 50th anniversary the Eswau Huppeday Lodge rolled out a totally different Dixie Fellowship designed flap. The flap includes the Cherokee and Catawba Indians appearing to lay their weapons down in a sign of peace amongst the two tribes. Gold Mylar embroidered “2014 Dixie” enhances the multi-colored river scene. …Read More