Memorabilia History

Mystery Solved! 1962 6A Fellowship Neckerchief Clone

Mystery Solved! 1962 6A Fellowship Neckerchief Clone Here is some background on a piece that has always gotten a lot of attention for North Carolina Conclave collectors, and a little more information that helps to shed light on why it was issued. In 1962, Wahissa Lodge Hosted the Area 6-A Fellowship at Camp Raven Knob. In addition to the patch, a light …Read More

Wahissa Lodge 118 Cook Crew History

Wahissa Lodge 118 Cook Crew History Many people across North Carolina have seen a variety of issues from Wahissa Lodge’s Cook Crew. Not all of them are recorded in their entirety on collecting sites we all use. The first Wahissa Cook Crew Issue was from 1975. It has the year date on it and has “Charter Member” on the patch along …Read More