Submitted by Lodge Editor Larry Banks Please leave comments below!
Itibapishe Iti Hollo just released the first issue in celebration of our lodge’s 75 anniversary in 2015 and 100th anniversary of the OA. The patch (R6?) is 3.25″ in diameter and is screen printed on felt with a plastic backing. The patch was made by Stadri Emblems. Shared by John Watson Please Leave Comments Below!
Chapel Hill was the site for two large Scouting events in the 1930s. The “Carolina Jubilee” was held on the grounds of UNC in 1935 and 1938 (and again in 1941). Over 1400 Scouts from North and South Carolina attended the 1938 event including OA National Chief Joseph A. Brunton, Jr. Greensboro Council Scout Executive …Read More
Each Spring since 1954, Catawba Lodge has participated in the Annual Dixie Fellowship. This is a fellowship meeting where all lodges of our area come together for fun, fellowship, and a learning experience. In 1954, the area lodges attending the annual Dixie Fellowships first established the Golden Arrow Award. This annual award is presented to …Read More
Eswau Huppeday Lodge held its annual Fall Fellowship on August 12-14 2014. This fellowship was special in that it saw several things going on. Saturday was a fun-filled event having a water slide, a chapter chariot race, and silent patch auction. Mid-afternoon a past-present lodge chief forum was held where several past lodge chiefs were …Read More
If you missed the Occoneechee Lodge’s Trade-O-Ree you missed out on a lot of fun, new acquisitions and a discussion about a newly found issue to some folks. The discussion was all centered around Occoneechee Lodge’s S18 now to be listed with an “a” and “b” variety for those of us that collect backs. The …Read More
I was contacted by Jaimie Scott the Drum Adviser for Itibap and I want to share this information regarding some issues from his lodge. Black Border for Attendee 2010 Black Mylar Border for Staff 2010 Red and Red Mylar and Blue and Blue Mylar were planned for subsequent years. However, no event was held in …Read More
At the recent Ordeal, Croatan Lodge issued two Fundraiser Flaps to raise money to build a new Chapel. The Chapel at Camp Boddie was destroyed a couple years ago in a Hurricane. There are two issues. There are 200 Flaps with a Purple Mylar Border and there are 500 Flaps with a standard Purple Border. …Read More
As a fund raiser for our lodge, the Atta Kulla Kulla ECM decided to make a leather flap for our lodge. Both were designed as exact duplicates of our standard lodge 185 flap. The “leather” flap was a pre order for $20 and was made first available at our 2013 Fall Fellowship. The leather flaps …Read More
Tsoiotsi Tsogalii Lodge has set an ambitious goal of taking 100 delegates to the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference. As of August 21, 2014 with NOAC still a year away the lodge already has 55 Arrowmen signed up. To help promote this event the lodge is issuing an “early bird” patch to the …Read More