Here is some background on a piece that has always gotten a lot of attention for North Carolina Conclave collectors, and a little more information that helps to shed light on why it was issued. In 1962, Wahissa Lodge Hosted the Area 6-A Fellowship at Camp Raven Knob. In addition to the patch, a light …Read More
As the Order of the Arrow prepares to celebrate its 100th Anniversary Tsoiotsi Tsogalii Lodge 70 has issued two patches to commemorate the occasion. The first patch is a pocket flap (S57) that features the lodge totem Red-tailed Hawk perched on a pine tree. The OA’s centennial logo appears to the right and “100 YEARS …Read More
This year has been special for Eswau Huppeday Lodge, we have had a year full of fun events and memorabilia that we have enjoyed in celebration of our 50th anniversary. Two more pieces of memorabilia that were issued includes a fully embroidered backpatch along with a beautiful embroidered neckerchief. Both pieces were pre-ordered and very …Read More
Eswau Huppeday Lodge 560 and Occoneechee Lodge 104 teamed up to make a red commemorative sash for the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. They went through all the proper channels to have them approved back in August of 2014 and kept it to themselves so that other Lodge’s wouldn’t take their idea …Read More
In this episode recorded for Boy Scout memorabilia collectors Hank Birdsong and Jason Spangler talk about ideas for getting people interested in the hobby. Hank shares a tip that I don’t see a lot of seasoned collectors using – bringing your framed collection to display at Scouting events. By doing this you show people what’s …Read More
Santee Lodge has approved a couple OA Centennial issues which will be available in 2015. All of these designs were drawn by Vigil Honor brother Todd Knaperek of Tsali Lodge. As noted in an earlier post the lodge is doing a 5-patch set for the lodge events in 2015. At the 2014 Fall Fellowship this …Read More
Last year’s 2014 Cardinal Conclave broke the record for the largest OA conclave ever held with 1700 arrowmen. The 2015 event is being hosted by Nayawin Rar Lodge 296 at Camp Tuscarora. Registration is now open including the memorabilia preorder form. The folks in charge are hoping to get 1500 brothers for this The registration …Read More
In this video Hank Birdsong and Jason Spangler share some tips for how to organize your patch collection. Both hosts agree that the easiest way to do this is with 3-ring binders. Jason has been using a system for years that is very easy to put together. Using materials that you can get from any …Read More
This video slideshow has scenes from the Old Hickory TOR hosted organized by Matt White and the Old Hickory Council, B.S.A./Camp Raven Knob Historical Association. The show was held on December 12-13, 2014 at Hopewell Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The TOR was a big hit with Saturday being the best day. There were …Read More
Fall Fellowship was held October 17-19th at Camp Boddie. Our youth members competed in Volleyball, Quest, Ceremonies, and Dancing. We also held our elections and voted on the new officers for 2015, which were installed at the Lodge Banquet in November. We also began working on the plans to host the 2016 SR7B Conclave. Submitted …Read More